Our clients

Paradisus Melia, Playa Mujeres, Q. Roo

Recovery and rehabilitation of eroded beaches.


Recover the eroded beach due to lack of natural sand supply due to the presence of artificial works built.


An integral project was generated that consists on a straight breakwater parallel to the coast, or boomerang-shaped breakwater, an artificial structured and vegetated dune and an artificial dissipative reef, in addition to a beach nourishment with sand from an authorized borrow site . The design and dimensioning of the breakwaters was evaluated using a mathematical model of waves, currents and sediment movement.


Single beam echosounder, transducer, high precision GPS, acoustic Doppler current profiler, hydrography software and RTK surveying equipment.


The eroded beach was reclaimed, about 40 m wide behind the boomerang breakwater and about 15 m on the rest of the beach. The length of the beach is 380 m. A stable beach was obtained that has withstood the passage of several storms with minimal movements in the coastline.