Our clients

Mayakoba, Riviera Maya



Find a high-capacity marine sandbar to exploit and fill the 1.8-km-long beach of the Mayakoba development, with the aim of recovering between 35 and 40 m of beach width.


Search for marine banks using satellite photography. Perform bathymetry to know the site. Perform measurements using self-contained diving equipment (SCUBA) and pneumatic probes. Take sand samples to evaluate its quality and confirm its use for fill. Measure the thickness of the sand layer on the bench using Soft Bed Profilers (SBP). To estimate the amount of sand.


Single beam echo sounder, transducer, high-precision GPS, small vessel, heavy-duty computer, autonomous diving equipment and Sub bottom Profiler.


A sand bank of approximately 179,947 m2 and 126,000 m3 of capacitywas found, which was dredged and used in the recovery of the beach.