Our clients

Conrad Hilton, Tulkal, Riviera Maya



Improve the physical appearance of the coast by converting a rocky area into a sandy beach, pleasant and accessible to swimmers, as well as MONITORING the coast once the project is completed.


Monitor oceanographic conditions such as incident waves (height and period), current, wind and rain, to know the behavior of the coast throughout a year and the beach’s response to storm conditions.

The information is used for possible future adjustments in the design and reports to the environmental authorities.

The monitoring and effectiveness of the project was enhanced with mathematical wave modeling using wave conditions measured in situ.


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), pressure gauges, RTK topographic equipment.


It was confirmed that the project was working as expected, adequate sandy areas were generated for the users, the sand placed on the beach did not escape from the protected area, and evidence of the results obtained was delivered to the authority.