Equipment and Software
At Tecnoceano we have multidisciplinary human capital who are experts in their area, we use the latest technology and software which is used in all our services. This allows us to provide truthful information in the studies and analyzes we carry out, in addition to having competitive prices and faster delivery times than other conventional methods and services.
- Echosounder Sonarmite HPR Ohmex, internal battery and bluetooth, 2 Hz sampling.
- High frequency transducer Airmar (200kHz).
- Echosounder Navisound 210, RESON, paper printer. Up to 20 Hz sampling.
- Dual frequency RESON transducer: 33 KHz – 200 KHz.
- Sub bottom profiler StrataBox, ODEC, 10 Hz sampling.
- Low frequency transducer (10 KHz).
- Echosounder NorCross HawkEye H22PX, handheld, submersible.
- Acoustic Current Doppler Profiler (ADCP). Teledyne RD Instruments. 600 MHz Workhorse Sentinel, internal battery, 1GB RAM, Waves Array and bottom tracking.
- Tide gauge TideM8, Ohmex, external battery. Bluetooth.
- Sound velocity probe DigiBar Pro, 30 m cable.
- Differential GPS Crescent A100, 12 channel, intelligent antenna, 20 Hz sampling, WAAS, OmniSTAR, serial connector. Submeter precision.
- Differential GPS DGPS Max, CSI 12 channels, WAAS, Omnistar. Submeter precision.
- Handheld GPS Garmin Oregon 400, USB connector NMEA sentences.
- Sidescan Sonar, dual frequency (330 y 800 KHz), Imagenex SportScan, 100 m tow cable.
- Laptop Panasonic ToughBook CF29, Pentium M 750, 1.5 GB RAM, 80 GB HD, Touchscreen, internal GPS, Bluetooth.
- Laptop Panasonic ToughBook CF30, Dual Core, 2.5 GB RAM, 80 GB HD, Touchscreen, Bluetooth. External screen.
- Diving equipment (SCUBA). Pneumatic seabed probe.
- Camera for video and still photography with housing.
- 2 sets of Topographic RTK systems, Sokkia GSR-2700ISX, GPS NavStar and GLONASS (GNSS) internal radios and external 15 W Satel radio.
- Handheld Carlson Explorer, bluetooth interno, OS Windows CE.NET 4.2.
- Digital cameras Canon 550D and 500D, sigma lens 20 mm F1.8, 15.1 Megapixels, airborne mount.
- Electric generator, 5000 Watts, Coleman, 115 V, 220 V.
- 10 ft dinghy with 10 HP outboard and 27 ft fiberglass boat with 115 HP outboard.
Our Software
- Hydrography software HYPACK, acquisition and edition of unlimited instruments, post processing and final products, marine chart edition, volume reports, 3D, GIS and CAD export.
- CEDAS V 4.3 (Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System), for coastal modeling, including the modules: NEMOS, GENESIS, RCPWAVE, STWAVE, SBEACH, BMAP, RMAP, DYNLET, NMLong-CW, ACES, EST y RELIABLE.
- Total Tide prediction software, UK hydrographic office.
- DELFT3D Suite, with morphodynamic module, 3D mathematical simulation of coasts and rivers, modelling the interaction of waves, tides, currents, sediments, temperature, salinity, pollutants and morphology. Non homogeneous grids, animations and export to multiple formats, like GIS.
- Sokkia Survey, posprocessing of RTK data, export in: ASCII, NMEA, CR5, CRD o DXF.
- RD Instruments sensor Doppler postprocessing tools.
- AutoCAD 2007 and Civil CAD.
All the equipment and software listed above in property of Tecnoceano and hass been bought or imported into the country.
Tecnoceano values
We seek to be the best Mexican public and private consulting company specialized in Hydrography, Mathematical Simulation and coastal projects, promoting the development of the community, working for the benefit of all parties, while enjoying what we do.