Our clients

Hard Rock, Riviera Maya

Design and projection


Modify a system of artificial coves configured with terraces to generate bays with sandy beaches and improve the quality of the water, which was in poor color, odor and low visibility conditions, to achieve the characteristic clarity of the Mexican Caribbean water.


Carry out bathymetry of a system of 8 coves along 840 m of coastline, generate a project to give the coves a slope, extract unwanted material, fill with sand with classic characteristics of the Mexican Caribbean beaches, generate openings in the rock to increase the flow of water within the system and maintain a lower temperature that prevents the proliferation of algae and model different dimensions and mouth arrangements with software to obtain adequate current movement in the system.


Single beam echosounder, transducer, high-precision GPS, inflatable boat, SCUBA diving equipment, ruggerized computer, and hydrography and modeling software.


Canals were opened that generated a greater flow of water to the system, the temperature of the water inside the coves was reduced, protected beaches with light sand characteristic of the beaches of the Mexican Caribbean were generated, a structured dune was built with geotubes and it was vegetated to control wind erosion and dissipation of wave energy in case of seasonal storm.